"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Friday, 29 March 2013

..:::: Media Reviews...

Bolivia,..... as seen in Newspapers, online magazines and reviews, on TV, in the UK, as well as online reviews in Italy and also... as seen on a Bolivian Program : A Todo Pulmon by Jhon Arandia.

Bolivia... vista en periodicos latinos de londres y periodicos ingleses fuera de Londres. en revistas online, y en un programa de television de  la BBC de Inglaterra. Asi tambien en revistas de Italia. y tambien en un programa de television de Bolivia: A todo Pulmon de Jhon Arandia.

As seen on TV : lets dance for comic relief BBC

At the destination and travel show in London 2013

As seen in the Latinos in London facebook page

As seen on the Front cover of the Official Magazine for WTM

as seen in a event review 2013

as seen in an Italian online magazine  
as seen in the Big Dance 2012 website , for the Olympic themed choreography by Wayne MCGregor 

Watford Hertfordshire newspaper

Latin American Newspaper in London

Latin American Newspaper in London

Online reviews of a Latin American festival in London

Latin American pics featuring at an online magazine in London

Miss Obleas: Media Reviews:

..:: Bolivia : Aprende Aymara - Learn Aymara

Leccion No.1 .- El aymara altiplánico, ó simplemente aymara, es un lenguaje andino hablado por un millón y seiscientos mil personas, en las proximidades del lago Titicaca. es un idioma hablado en Bolivia, ( los idiomas que se hablan en Bolivia son: español, aymara. quechua, guarani y variedad de lenguas indigenas.
Aqui tenemos unas cuantas frases en aymara español e ingles:

Aprende Aymara - Learn Aymara

AYMARA                               SPANISH                                    ENGLISH

Kamisaki                                     Hola !                                           Hi / Hello

     waliki?                                  Como estas ?                                How are you ? 

Naya, waliki. Jumasti ?                    Bien gracias. Y tu ?                       Fine, thaks. And you ?

Winus tiyas                                 Buenos Dias                             Good Morning

Winus tarde                                Buenas tardes                            Good Afternoon

Winus nuchis                           Buenas noches (al llegar )                Good evening

Buenas noches (al despedirse)                Good Night                   

           Arumirjkhama                             Hasta Manana                             See you tomorrow  

      Jikisinkhama                                      Adios                                    Goodbye / bye

mas frases muy pronto :

Miss Obleas: Bolivia:

Thursday, 28 March 2013

2011: Un Encuentro Cultural Con Bolivia en Gales

El año 2011 tuve la oportunidad de presentar a Bolivia en el festival latino en Gales. Pude organizar presentaciones y talleres de danza para niños y adultos.

Después de la experiencia del festival el año 2009, volver el año 2011 fue una oportunidad para poder desarrollar el proyecto : un encuentro cultural con Bolivia. Y poder representar a Bolivia de una manera cultural, didáctica y educativa.Al mismo tiempo poder dar a conocer a Boliivia, como un pais lleno de cosas por descubrir. el interes que las personas tomaron en querer saber mas acerca de Bolivia fue muy bonito.

 Fue importante para mi, poder responder preguntas de las personas, y que se tenga un ambiente amigable en el cual se puedan llevar un bonito recuerdo de un poco de lo que es la cultura Boliviana

Gracias a la colaboración de unas amigas, pude presentar las danzas folklóricas de Bolivia , como caporales, tobas , Morenada y taquirari. realize los talleres de danza para ninos y adultos. Por la noche, se realizo una fiesta social, en la cual pude bailar tres diferentes bailes, caporales, morenada y tobas, aparte se presento una pareja de bailarines de Argentina.

Los talleres de baile tuvieron un gran acogimiento tanto entre niños así también cono adultos.

Cada oportunidad para poder desarrollar el proyecto, es una motivación par poder mejorarlo y al mismo tiempo, tener mas experiencia y interacción con las personas, que dan sus puntos de vista y comentarios.

Los comentarios de las personas y de los organizadores del festival fueron positivos y siempre es agradable el reconocimiento por el trabajo y empeño que uno pone para poder realizar el proyecto y seguir adelante.

Bolivia pudo participar en el Evento Latino en Gales , junto con una compañía de teatro Landen de Madrid que realizaron una obra de la historia de Chile. Músicos y cine latinoamericano también formaron parte del festival.

Fue un placer poder participar y ahora seguir con la motivación para seguir.

Para cualquier información, pregunta o sugerencia , no dudes en contactarte :


2009: Un encuentro cultural con Latinoamérica : Bolivia en Gales

La idea del proyecto : un encuentro cultural con Bolivia, nace un 2009, en un evento latinoamericano en Gales. Tuve el agrado de representar a Bolivia entre diferentes artistas: entre ellos: un pintor cubano, músicos y bailarines de Brasil, y diferentes docentes académicos de la universidad de Gales.

El evento fue grabado para un programa de niños de Gales, ya que habían diferentes talleres para niños, como de pintura. Entonces fue algo relativo y diferente.
Ese año pude realizar como una exhibición de Bolivia, con fotos , pósters, diferentes prendas de vestir típicas y también mostrando diferentes instrumentos musicales.
Una agradable experiencia, mas que todo ver la apreciación e interés que las personas tienen hacia Bolivia.


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

....::: A classic cocktail.. one of my Favourites : Cuba Libre :::...

Cuba Libre

There are many versions of the origins of the Cuba Libre. One is that fighters aiding Cuba in the Spanish-American War at the beginning of the 20th century would raise their glasses of rum and cola in a toast of "Cuba Libre" ( "Free Cuba")

Ice cubes
4 measures of golden Rum, such as Havana club 3 years-old
juice of 1 lime
cola, to top up
lime wedges

Fill 2 highball glasses with ice cubes. Pour over the Rum and lime juice and stir. Top up with cola, decorate with lime wedges and serve with straws.

more recipes :

Miss Obleas: Cocktail Recipes

Bolivia, Colombia y Mexico representan a Latinoamérica en un unprograma de televisión de Inglaterra

El anterior sábado 9 de Marzo, Latinos en Londres formaron parte de un programa de televisión que se emitió en vivo para Inglaterra.
Bailarines y músicos de Colombia, México y Bolivia representaron a la comunidad latina.

De Bolivia .. bailarinas de Morenada, de Colombia ( el grupo de baile y musica) de México ( el grupo de baile ) todos vestidos con sus respectivos vestimentas tradicionales .

Mi amiga  yo (Lindsey) formamos el grupo de baile y pudimos representar a Bolivia con los trajes de Morenada.

El programa de la BBC ( la cadena de televisión popular de Inglaterra) se trataba de un concurso de baile llamado let's dance, en el cual actores y celebridades participaron en el programa para poder recaudar fondos para comic Relief.

Para nosotros fue una bonita experiencia , especialmente poder representar a Bolivia con los trajes de Morenada que, si mas no me equivoco , no se había visto antes en la televisión británica.

Nosotras nos presentamos en varios eventos, y fue increíble poder participar en el programa de la BBC. Un evento y experiencia especial.

Un agradecimiento especial a un amigo C.N.

Si tienes alguna pregunta o cualquier otra sugerencia ya sea de eventos por favor no dudes en contactarme :


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

...::: Art, expression, passion :.. Flamenco.. Inspired by the LondonFlamenco Festival

From the expressions to the powerful movements, flamenco has been the toughest dance class that perhaps I've done so far. I can understand better now the importance of every single movement when you are performing, from the fingertips to your posture.

I love watching flamenco performances , it's just so powerful , full of expressions , sharing feelings through movements, its just so inspiring.

When we tried to do a photo-shoot , we tried to capture in one picture , what does Flamenco mean to you , ( in this case , what does flamenco means to me) and I had to chose one step or pose that can instantly when someone could see it they could associate it with flamenco , without necessarily having to wear a traditional flamenco dress.

So having done the flamenco lesson , having learned a little bit more about the dance, I chose the pose ( showing in the picture above) that I think shows the expression and passion of the dance , I wanted to concentrate on the posture and face expressions , trying to show that powerful feeling you get when you see a flamenco dancer .

Inspired on the flamenco festival in London.

For more information or any query please do not hesitate to contact me :


..::Review: A Cultural Encounter with Latin America: Bolivia ... In Wales ..

In 2009.. A cultural encounter with Bolivia took place at a Latin American Festival in Wales. The first year I attended , done like an exhibition with a stand representing Bolivia, which was filmed and showed as part of the Latin American Festival, on a children's tv program.

in 2011 I went back and this time I had the opportunity to do a dance presentation as well as run some workshops for children and adults. Which were popular , I really like seeing the interest of the people wanting to learn and find out more about Bolivia.

It's then when my project is born: cultural encounter with Bolivia ..
I want to show Bolivia in a cultural way , with dance performances and answering any questions that the people may have. In a friendly, warmly and relaxed atmosphere.

In Wales I had the opportunity to show different folkloric dances of Bolivia like caporales, taquirari, tobas and morenada. ( special thanks to my friends for some extra costumes)

The festival run through out the weekend starting on a Friday. And that year an Spanish theatre company from Madrid, teatro Landen , visited and performed a Chilean play : Tejas Verdes. Had the opportunity to meet them.

I really enjoyed my stay in Wales and having the opportunity to represent Bolivia culturally in the Latin American Festival was priceless.

Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to do it again and continue to show Bolivia in a cultural way..

For more information or any question please do not hesitate and contact me :


A cultural encounter with Latin America ... Bolivia by Lindsey Funes Obleas

All copyrights reserved

Friday, 15 March 2013

Review: Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, on TV: Let's Dance for Comic Relief Live !!

On saturday 9th of March Latinos in London were on live British National TV !! Latin american dance groups from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico, represented Latin America on the Lets Dance for Comic Relief, live Final.on BBC1.

From Bolivia (Bolivian Heritage) from Mexico ( dance group Mestizo) , Colombia ( dance group Talentos, and Cumbe )

I was so exited to hear the news that my friend and I could take part, and didn't quite believe it until we were in the studios ! To be able to represent your country on national TV was amazing and truly an unforgettable experience! as on British TV, you don't really see this happening!.

And probably this was the first time that Bolivia, was represented on TV ....by two dancers, from Bolivian Heritage, Angela, and myself ( Lindsey). We dance Bolivian Folkloric music at different events in and outside London, we participated at charity events as well as festivals, and other events. And this experience of taking part on National British TV was extra special :)
special thanks to our friend C.N.

I think any opportunity to represent Bolivia is especial, more when people really appreciate and congratulate you on what you do. It feels like you are doing your country proud !

for information about events or any query please do not hesitate to contact me :


picture and information subject to copyright (c) 2013 Miss Obleas  

Thursday, 14 March 2013

..:: When it comes to business advice, Richard Branson is the man :::..

If I'm looking for some inspiration or indeed business motivation, I always look up to Richard Branson. And here are a few words of advise from him:

"Just do it" - prepare yourself, set goals , believe it can be done !!

"have fun" - I think it's very important to really enjoy what you do , to have fun , be positive .. And grab your chances.

"be bold " - calculate the risks and take them...  believe in yourself, Chase your dreams and goals. Keep your word.

"Challenge yourself " - aim high .. try new things, always try.

"Stand on your own feet" - rely on yourself, chase your dream, but live in the real world, work together.

"Live the moment" - Love life and live it to the full, make every second count.

"Value family and friends" - put family and team first, be loyal, face problems head on. Money is for making things happen, Pick the right people and reward talent.

"Have Respect" - be polite and respectful, do the right thing, keep your good name, be fair in all your dealings.

NEVER GIVE UP : Richard Branson

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Miss Obleas: Events :FREE: Latin American International Women's day

Latin American International Women's Day !

Latin American Artists , dancers, poets, and special guests will be at the SOAS University of London, this Saturday 9th of March, FREE  from 4pm until 11pm. A Latin American event organized by Movimientos Ecuador.

Lots of Latin American Artists .. there will be food, wine.. we'll see you there ! :)

SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
Tel: +44 (0)20 7637 2388

Miss Obleas: Events: